Lessons FOR sport FROM business

Lessons FOR sport FROM business

A huge amount is written about what business people can learn from great sports people. In fact, entire post sporting careers have been built on speaking engagements that pass on the insights from sporting success to the workplace - much of which makes good sense. However, being a champion of good business practice and a self-confessed sports nut, I wonder if we can invert this and look at the lessons managers in sport can potentially learn from managers in business. 

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Manager as coach - one factor that separates the best from the rest

Manager as coach - one factor that separates the best from the rest

Most managers become managers because they were good at doing the job they are now managing others to do. As a manager therefore, it can be enormously tempting to use our experience and expertise to ‘fix’ situations and problems that our people may bring to us. Sometimes this is perfectly appropriate however, if this is too much of a habit, it can be the road to ruin. It creates a dependency and reliance on the manager that means they become overburdened and overworked and worst case, reduces the sense of ownership and responsibility of their direct reports to become more self-sufficient and deal with the issues themselves.

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