Three Steps to Behavioural Change Heaven
/Human beings are resistant to change. Nothing new in that statement however over the years, many a change programme has floundered on those rocks. In truth, the business world has never really got to grips with the challenge. However, this is no longer an option. The business world has changed forever and no-one will be left untouched by the need to change, adapt and acquire new skills.
The reasons people don’t like change haven’t changed. It is inherent in the human psyche. We have coined the term ‘comfort zone’ to refer to the boundaries of what is comfortable for us. Change, by definition, usually takes us outside our comfort zones so hey presto, we are uncomfortable! It’s not rocket science!
So enough about the problem… do we fix it?
The first step is recognising the issue and being prepared to talk about it. For some reason, there is often a reluctance. Perhaps leaders think that the rationale for the change and/or the business case ‘should’ be compelling enough on its own. They argue people ‘should’ get it – and if they don’t, well, frankly it’s their own fault. They must be dumb or slow on the uptake. The word ‘should’ is dangerous. It passes the buck and is missing the point. Without explicitly acknowledging something, there is zero chance of fixing it.
The second step is accepting there is no ‘one size fits all’ answer to a very individualised issue. Resistance to change may be an inherent human trait however the specific cause of one person’s resistance will be very different to another’s.
Step three is enabling line managers to master the art of having conversations about emotions and feelings - something that brings many of them out in hives! This involves understanding what makes different people tick (or not tick), understanding their real fears and concerns and developing a relationship based on trust and openess that will create a ‘safe space’ for someone to share what might be going on for them or what is getting in the way. They need to be able to coach people through the mental barriers of leaving their comfort zones and adapting to the new reality.